[세미나] Mr. Jinpyo Kim's talk on Sept. 29, 5pm at Alumni House

2017-09-19 13:25

I hope this message finds you well. For your information, the chair of the new Korean Government's State Affairs Planning Committee Mr. Jinpyo Kim's talk has been set on September 29, 5pm at Alumni House. He will talk about " The Five-Year Plan for National Affairs of the Moon Jae-In Government" and he will also address the issue of military tensions between South and North Korea. 

Would you help me promoting this event through Korean students community on campus? I already contacted CKS and Econ dept. to join the talk. Mr. Kim will talk in English so it is open to everyone. 

Mr. Kim has been involved with the Korean government for many years and he is an expert in government finance and economy. Therefore, it would be beneficial for our students and campus community to host his talk on campus.  I also think it would be a great opportunity for us to host him since he is one of the most influential individuals to Korean President Moon and the Korean government. As you may know, President Moon is one of the most popular presidents in Korean history with a nearly 85% approval rating.

Here is Mr. Kim’s resume based on his Korean government involvement. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.




May 2017 - Present          Chairman, State Affairs Planning Advisory Committee

Apr. 2004 - Present          Member of the National Assembly

May 2011 - May 2012     Floor Leader of the Democratic United Party

Jan. 2005 - Jul. 2006        Deputy Prime Minister and Minister, Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development

Feb. 2003 - Feb. 2004      Deputy Prime Minister and Minister, Ministry of Finance and Economy

Jul. 2002 - Feb. 2003       Minister, Office for Government Policy Coordination

Jan. 2002 - Jul. 2002        Senior Secretary for Policy and

Planning to the President Kim, Dae-Jung

Article on his nomination
