Paid Remote Focus Group -Korean American native language speakers with physical disabilities for Health Care Access Project

2020-05-06 06:06

안녕하세요. COVID-19로 어려운 시기에 모두 건강하게 지내고 계시길 바랍니다. 

저의 지인이 신체 장애를 가진 Korean American을 위한 보건의료 프로그램 개발을 위해 Focus Group 참여자를 모집한다고 하여 관련 공지 올립니다.  

참여 조건은 (1) 한국어와 영어에 능통한 분 (2) 신체 장애를 가지고 있거나 신체 장애를 가지고 있는 가족을 돌본 경험이 있는 분 (3) Focus Group에 자발적 참여 의지가 있는 분 이며, 참여해주신 분들께는 $40 Visa gift card가 지급된다고 합니다. 자세한 사항은 아래 공지 참고해주시기 바랍니다:


My name is Anne Cohen, I’m a disability advocate here in the bay area. I’m assisting in recruiting individuals to participate in a paid remote focus group.

The Office of Minority Health at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS OMH) is developing materials for individuals with disabilities that provide guidance on accessing healthcare, as well as tips for ensuring they receive equitable care. Prior to releasing these materials, which have been translated into several different languages, we would like to gather feedback from individuals with both a physical disability (or their family members who have provided personal care), and native-level fluency  in one of the following languages:

·       Mandarin

·       Arabic

·       Vietnamese

·       Korean

·       Haitian Creole

We would greatly appreciate your participation or help identifying volunteers for the testing of these materials, which we hope will empower others to get care that meets their needs. If chosen, participants must be willing and able to:

•      Volunteer 45 minutes of their time to participate in an interview

•      Review the education materials (accessible PDF format) prior to the interview

•      Communicate by phone and/or a web-based conferencing platform for the interview

Volunteers will receive a $40 Visa gift card for their time.  If you know someone who a) has native-level fluency in one of these five languages, b) has a physical disability, (or a family member that has provided personal care) and c) is willing/able to participate, please feel free to share the best way to reach them or email my CMS OMH vendor contact, Laura Wagstaff who can be reached directly at

If you have any questions about this opportunity, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

I hope you are doing well during this difficult time.

Many thanks in advance for your time!

Anne Cohen
Disability and Health Policy Consultant
Disability Health Access, LLC
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