2024 한화 Travel Awards program 모집 공고 (기간 연장~9/8)

2024-08-25 23:29


한화토탈에너지스의 2024 Hanwha Travel Award Program 운영 담당자 입니다.


2024 Hanwha Travel Award Program”은

매년 열리는 AIChE Annual Meeting(미 화학공학회)에 참석하는 한인 학생분들에게

도움을 드리고자 운영되는 제도로서

한화토탈에너지스와 한화솔루션이 함께 주관하며, 올해로 8년째 운영 되고 있습니다.

이미 지난 7월 2024 Hanwha Travel Awards program 모집 공고를 시작하였습니다만, 

더 많은 분들께 지원 기회를 드릴 수 있게 모집기간을 연장하여 수정 공고문을 다시 공유드립니다. 

보다 많은 분들이 기간 내  지원하시어 연구에 많은 도움이 되시길 바랍니다. 

(화학,화학공학,고분자,재료공학 等)

자세한 내용은 아래 및 첨부의 공고문을 참조해 주시기 바라며,

문의사항은 언제든 담당자 메일로 연락 주세요.




Hanwha Travel Award Program

 Award Administrator: Hanwha Solutions Corporation(HSC) and Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical(HTP)

Award: HSC/HTP provides individual awards up to $1,500 to be utilized towards travel (hotel, airfare, meals and incidentals) and registration fees.

Eligibility: Korean Graduate student/Post-doc. studying in USA

Preferred Research Areas
·Catalysis(Synthesis, kinetic, deactivation, etc.)
·Analytical Chemistry, Organic synthesis
·Water Electrolysis, Electrochemical Process & Catalysts
·Chemical engineering process(Reaction engineering, modeling, simulation, etc.)
· Advanced polymerization technology(Block copolymer, Chain transfer polymerization, Radical polymerization)
· Carbon Capture and Utilization(CCU) Technology(CO2 reduction Technology)
· Materials and Processing for wire & cable applications

· New generation Polyolefins: manufacturing, catalyst, processing

· Computational Chemistry & AI/Machine Learning application in chemical engineering

· Electronic Materials

· Li-ion battery related materials(advanced separators and electrolytes, functionalized binders, solid electrolytes)

· Plastic recycling technology
· Biomolecular simulation/engineering, Bio-Engineering
· Green chemistry, Biofoundry, Green hydrogen production technology

· Biopolymers and biodegradable polymers(white biotechnology)
· Biomass(Genetic manipulation, fermentation, etc), Biochemistry

Presentation: The awards are presented at the KIChE-US Chapter Open Forum
(October 30, 2024, Place and time will be announced at a later date)  

Instructions: Please send all application materials by e-mail
(Please send them to both of the following:
rndrecruit@hanwha.com, rnd.htc@htpchem.com)

Materials must include:

- Application form (below)

- A copy of an abstract accepted to the annual meeting

- Applicant’s CV

- Personal information collection and usage agreement (below)

Deadline: September 8, 2024(Announcement of winners is scheduled for the early October, 2024)