E-Business Case Competition
E-Business Case Competition
Sponsored by Cisco Systems, Deloitte Consulting, the Schlinger Family Foundation, and the Haas Undergraduate Program
The Haas Undergraduate Program, in association with Cisco Systems, Deloitte Consulting and the Schlinger Family Foundation, is proud to present its 13th annual E-Business Case Competition to undergraduate students of all majors and levels. This is a great opportunity for students to demonstrate and further develop their skill base. This case is especially ideal for those students considering a career in management consulting, high tech strategy or operations, international business, and eCommerce end user applications. Additionally, the winning team will receive Deloitte goodies and have the opportunity to participate in an exclusive Deloitte office tour, lunch with a Partner and a Q&A session with a panel of practitioners. The final round participants will also be eligible to be selected for the fall 2012 Haas external case competition team(s) (e.g. Hong Kong and Singapore).
Undergraduate students are encouraged to form teams of four, though a team may compete with a minimum of three individuals. To replicate the work environments that you will enter upon graduation, there must be at least one team member who is a Haas major and one team member who is not a Haas major. Simultaneous degree students majoring in business and another major will be considered a Haas major.
Sign-up Procedures
Sign-ups begin online Monday, February 20, 2012 at 8:00am and end Friday, March 2, 2012 at midnight via
CampusGroups. Go to https://haasug.campusgroups.com/calendar and click on April 12, 2012,
which will lead you to the registration site.
Select one team member to complete the registration for the entire team. We suggest using the Haas major as
they are already familiar with the CampusGroups site. Whoever completes the registration, will need each
team members’ name, e-mail address, graduation date and major(s).
The Case
Case materials and instructions will be available on Wednesday, March 7, 2012. Students will be notified about the case distribution via the e-business@lists.haas.berkeley.edu alias. All participants must subscribe themselves to this e-mail alias/list. Please click here to subscribe.
Questions asked in the case should be answered in written product, similar to discussion materials often used in business and with a maximum of 10 PowerPoint slides, not including the title page and appendices. Cases will be due on Friday, Mar 23, 2012 by 5:00 PM. For submission, your PowerPoint presentation should be converted to a PDF document. E-mail your PDF presentation file to casesubmission@lists.haas.berkeley.edu and include the team name (per registration) in the subject line of your message. Your message size cannot exceed 5 MB. Finalists: your photos, video and slide deck may be used on the Haas Undergraduate Program websites and for training purposes.
“Approaching the Case” Workshop
Representatives from Deloitte Consulting will provide thoughts on how to approach the case on Friday, March 9th via a WebEx meeting. Meeting details will be disseminated via the e-business@lists.haas.berkeley.edu
Mentorship Opportunity
Representatives from Deloitte Consulting will be assigned to each of the finalist team as mentors to provide support and answer any questions the teams may have leading up to the final round presentations.
Final Competition
Three to four teams will be selected to participate in the final round. All teams, including the finalists, will be notified by Friday, April 6, 2012. Final presentation will be on Thursday, April 12, at 6pm, in the Wells Fargo Room (C420). Finalists’ presentation times will be communicated via e-mail.
Timeline for 2012
February 20: Sign-ups via https://haasug.campusgroups.com/calendar (click on calendar for April 12th)
March 2: Sign-ups end at midnight
March 7: Case is released and instructions available on the Undergraduate Website:
March 9: “Approaching the Case” workshop via WebEx meeting (details to follow)
March 23: Cases are due. Submit case to casesubmission@lists.haas.berkeley.edu
April 6: Finalists announced via email by 5:00 pm
April 12: Final Presentations, Wells Fargo Room (C420), 6 PM.
*All updates and communication will be communicated via the Website and/or e-mail.